domenica 27 marzo 2011
SSTV da 2E0PAF (Phil)
Due settimane fa ho ricevuto una SSTV dall'inghilterra di un radioamatore (2E0PAF) e poco fa ho ricevuto tramite email una sua conferma del mio rapporto di ascolto.
"...Many thanks for your very detailed signal report with the picture of my transmission. It was very helpful as at the time I had only just set up my SSTV system
and made the interfaces between the Icom 706MKIIG, tuner in to an end fed wire aerial running 40watts. At the time I was in a park home in a place called Pagham
near Bognor on the south west coast about 3kl from the sea. Sorry for delay but have only just opened your kind letter. Will send on my QSL card in a week or so as
I will be returning to Pagham. One again thank you and good luck with your SWL hobby, regards to your family.
Phil 2E0PAF..."
Ho anche trovato una citazione nel suo profilo QRZ dove mi ringrazia per il mio rapporto di ricezione....ragazzi non sono briciole per me... :-)
Many thanks to Phil for his citation.
Attendo con ansia la sua QSL.
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